Movement Race

I created a race on scratch using the three blocks;


The race consisted of three sprites, a cat, a bowl of “cheesy puffs” and a person.


The first block I used was the “glide__secs to X:__ Y:__” which was the

I had the cat change it’s costume to look like he was flying because the  “glide__secs to X:__ Y:__” block gives you a smooth movement to a certain area.

The second block I used was “Go to X:__ Y:__” which gave you an instantaneous transfer to a certain coordinate, this block was used on the cheesy puffs which had no movement costumes.

Cheesy puffs.PNG

The last block I used was “Move__steps” which I used on the person to give a walking movement by using the preset costumes on the person and by using the “next costume” and “wait__” block.person.PNG

To reset all the sprites, I used the “when (Flag) clicked” block and the  “Go to X:__ Y:__” which instantaneously transferred all sprites to the coordinate.




I really liked the letter ‘N’ at the end,  but most of my letters need to either be clicked on or press key ‘A’ on the keyboard to be activated. I really didn’t do much intentionally, I just tried everything out to see what I could do.

I would like to learn how to create new blocks, and learn how to use all the operators.


CS Quarter Final Project


What I learned from this unit!

I really loved this unit because experimenting with codes was interesting for me, like switching around the px to % or flex and changing the format of the tables to turn them into nav bars etc.. The only challenging part was the small mistakes you can make in the css. Forgetting a bracket or a <> can define everything, and I tend to forget things a lot. I would like to learn more about flex, java, and webkits.

Anime web link:

Home Page:


Top 5 Slice of Life:

Slice of life anime.PNGslice of life 2.PNGslice of life3.PNGslice of life4.PNGslice of life 5.PNGslice of life 6.PNGsliced of life 7.PNGslice of life 8.PNGslice of life 9.PNGslice of life 10.PNG

Top 5 Comedy

comedy 1.PNGcomedy2.PNGcomedy 3.PNGcomedy4.PNGcomedy5.PNGcomedy6.PNG

-Underlined “Home” links back to Home page

-“Top 5 Slice of Life Anime” underlined links back to the Slice of Life page

-“Barakamon” underlined links to hidden page:

hidden page.PNGhidden page 2.PNG




  1. I planned out a website wire frame and planned out a paragraph per page
  2. I created a mood board for the color scheme of the web
  3. I created a header (the picture that says “hidden anime”) through CSS
  4. I created the base for my nav bar
  5. I wrote out my homepage and edited pictures to with of 900px to fit in the site
  6. I edited the font and margins through CSS to match my themes
  7. I created the other pages with the same process as the home page, then I linked the CSS to all my paged
  8. I created <a href> links in certain words and created “hidden” pages to link them to
  9. I created a quiz on proprofs and embedded it into my web

Your News! CS Project

HTML portion black and white:

project part 1.PNG


Part 2+3 Color CSS+3 Pages and Nav Bar:



For body:

  1. background color
  2. margins
  3. font (times new roman)


body { margin-left: 20%; margin-right:20%;
font-family: “Times new roman”; background-color:#003366;}

For headers:

  1. Font (helvetica)
  2. font size
  3. Font color to white



h1 {font-family: “helvetica”; font-size:60px ; color:#ffffff;}


border of pictures using “class”


.border{ border: 5px solid #ffffff;}


8. centering text using “id”




For Paragraphs:

9. Font size

10. Margins compared to the header

11.Color of text


p {font-size: 20px ; margin-left:30px; margin-right: 30px; color:darkgrey;}



  • Our group graphed the data formatted as the majority did, for example for time, we put down period and date, as for location we put down the subject, and happiness out of 10. We also used different colors depending on person, and data was arranged by date, and in order of period 1 first, and period 8 last.
  • a compromise that was made was that we had to convert some data depending on their formatting.
  • There was data that was unused, such as the exact time
  • the accuracy of our data is not good because data from just 4 people cannot conclude data of all teenagers in the world.

2) Big data is when you collect data on a large group of people.

Problem Solving Boat!!!

When we reflected on how our boat did not work, I think what we thought of that helped the most was the fact that our supports kept filling up with water. So we redefined the problem to the supports that kept filling with water. We prepared for that problem by adding a “top” to these cylindrical supports and covering it with foil. When we tried it out, it held more pennies than the previous boat. I think thhis problem sovling process can be used in the future to fix things that don’t work into better ideas. I didn’t find a step with the least importance either, as without the other the whole thing was sort of pointless. I liked our group!! As I think everyone contributed equally during the designing process, but I guess I leaned more towards the design/making role.

Quarter 1 Reflections

My strengths in this class is…uhhhh I think I’m pretty much a normal student…but delivering presentation is pretty okay! I actually improved because all my teachers gave me ok scores this year for presentation (I was pretty shy last year *cough had nervous breakdown cough*). I want to improve on updating blog posts on time and checking my grades more often, I really should’ve checked more often (I’m never ever going to repeat this incident EVER again;;;;).

Photoshop and Meme-ing

The prop’s of photoshop is that you can create art and make photo’s look more interesting while the cons of photoshop is that it lowers the reliability of photo evidence and photos.

Tessellations relate to computer science because they like how a computer can repeat directions a person inputs into its system and putting it together in a certain way.


How to text

first take your phine and press the homescreen till it asked fot the password. Then type in the password. Next press the message app and press a contact. Type letters o, m, and g in order then press send.

What I learned is the directions need to be extremely specific or the computer does not know what you are talking about and also clear with words that dont have double meanings.